Dear Soul Sister,

We’re back for another week of exploring breaking free, and this time, we’re getting personal. Let’s talk about what happens when you start breaking free; because spoiler alert: it’s not always smooth sailing. But let me tell you something right now: every step is worth it.

When you decide to step into your power and let go of what’s been holding you back, life will test you. Old habits, people, and situations may resurface, trying to pull you back into the comfort zone you’ve just started leaving behind. Why? Because change can feel scary…even when it’s good for us.

When I first set boundaries in a relationship that had been draining me for years, it felt amazing to stand up for myself. But then, the doubts crept in. Was I too harsh? What if they don’t understand? Breaking free required me to hold firm, even when it felt uncomfortable. And guess what? It was the best thing I ever did for myself.

If you’re feeling those growing pains, know that it’s a normal part of the process. Here are a few things you might experience, and how to navigate them:

1. Resistance from Others

Not everyone will understand your journey, and that’s okay. People who benefit from your old patterns might push back when you start changing. YOU ARE NOT responsible for their reactions.

What to Do: Hold firm to your boundaries. Surround yourself with people who celebrate your growth, not those who resist it.

2. Doubts and Fears

Your mind might try to convince you to stay in your comfort zone. Thoughts like, What if I fail? or, What if I’m not ready? are common. Fear is just a sign you’re doing something brave.

What to Do: Acknowledge the fear, then DO IT anyway. Remind yourself of all the reasons you started this journey.

3. Unexpected Opportunities

When you let go of what’s not serving you, you make room for new possibilities. Stay open to the surprises life has in store for you.

What to Do: Say yes to opportunities that align with your values and vision. Trust that you’re being guided toward something better.

So, this week, take a moment to journal on this question:

What’s one area of your life where you’re feeling resistance, and what small step can you take to break free?

Remember, breaking free doesn’t have to be a giant leap. Sometimes, it’s about making one small, brave choice at a time. Let’s GOOOOO!!!

Let Me Support You! If you’re feeling stuck or unsure of your next step, I’m here to help. Together, we can uncover the patterns holding you back and create a clear path forward.

Schedule a consultation with me today! Let’s work together to make your freedom a reality.

Breaking free isn’t just about leaving the past behind; it’s about stepping boldly into your future. There will be challenges, but you have EVERYTHING you need to navigate them. I believe in you. I support you. I got you.

Let’s keep pushing forward, one step at a time. You got this, girl!

With peace & SO much love,
Coach Lori


Breaking Free (4)


Breaking Free (2)