Dear Soul Sister,
We’re back for week two of Reimagining Imagination as a Woman, and today we’re diving into a topic that shapes every part of our lives: relationships. Whether it’s love, friendship, family, or the relationship you have with yourself, reimagining what love means can open doors to deeper, more fulfilling connections.
Alright, so, let’s be real for a moment. Many of us have been taught a one-size-fits-all version of love. Maybe it’s the fairy tale romance, the ride-or-die friendship, or the unshakable family bond. And while those ideals can be beautiful, they’re not always realistic or healthy.
What if love could look different? What if it could be expansive, liberating, and tailored to who you truly are?
For me, reimagining love started with the relationship I had with myself. I used to think love meant giving and giving until there was nothing left for me. But over time, I realized that love can be (dare I say, “SHOULD BE”) reciprocal, abundant, and full of boundaries that protect your peace.
Let’s talk about it! How would your relationships change if you reimagined what love means for you?
Are you ready to shift your perspective on relationships? Here are three ways to reimagine love in your life:
1. Start with Self-Love
Every relationship you have begins with the one you have with yourself. Take time to nurture your needs, celebrate your wins, and speak to yourself with kindness. When you show yourself love, you set the tone for how others should treat you.
2. Redefine Your Standards
Reimagining love means letting go of outdated beliefs about what relationships “should” look like. Ask yourself:
Does this relationship honor my values?
Am I free to be my authentic self here?
Is this connection built on mutual respect and care?
3. Expand Your Idea of Connection
Love doesn’t have to fit a traditional mold. It can look like a supportive friend cheering you on, a mentor guiding you, or a solo trip where you fall deeper in love with your own company. Stay open to love in ALL its forms.
This week, I want to challenge you to journal on these questions:
How do I currently define love in my life?
What would it look like to invite more joy, freedom, and authenticity into my relationships?
What’s one thing I can do this week to show myself love?
Let’s GOOOOO!!! The way you imagine love can shape your entire world. So, Let’s Reimagine Love Together. If you’re ready to explore what love can look like in your life, I’m here to help. Together, we can work through the patterns that no longer serve you and create space for relationships that light you up. Schedule a consultation with me today! Let’s unlock new possibilities for love in your life!
Reimagining love isn’t just about relationships with others; it’s about reclaiming your power to define what love means to you. You have EVERYTHING you need to create connections that feel joyful, authentic, and aligned with your soul. I believe in you. I support you. I got you.
Here’s to a month of dreaming big, loving fully, and stepping into the relationships you deserve. You got this, lady!
With peace & SO much love,
Coach Lori